Treatment for Men Who Sexually Abused

Illume North’s approach to treating adults who have engaged in harmful sexual behavior focuses on reducing risk while increasing self-efficacy, thereby enhancing an individual's internal and external motivation to desist from sexually abusive behavior. 

The programming offered to NERCC residents is formulated on the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) framework, which has shown success in the treatment of adults who sexually abused. The risk principle focuses on factors within the person’s environment that are associated with sexual and general reoffending. The need principle focuses on dynamic risk factors that can be modified, through treatment, to reduce a person’s likelihood of engaging in future sexual and nonsexual violence. The responsivity principle considers internal and external factors that influence a person’s direct amenability to treatment, ensuring that interventions are delivered in a manner that is sensitive to individualized needs. 

Participants in Illume North’s institutional treatment program are required to complete a comprehensive psychosexual evaluation prior to entering treatment. The psychosexual evaluation assesses risk, need, and responsivity factors. Evaluation methods include standard static and dynamic risk assessment as well as evaluation of intellectual ability, academic achievement, adverse childhood experiences, developmental capacity, and psychopathology. Individuals will be placed into group therapy based on their risk and treatment needs as identified through this initial evaluation process. Treatment is conducted in a holistic manner, treating the whole person through Illume North’s comprehensive and respectful treatment program aimed at risk reduction and equipping individuals to lead healthy, productive, and prosocial lives.